Stopping, Starting

Photo by Tamara Belts
This may be  a very short-lived blog.  (And that brings up an interesting point... It is incredible how many blogs there are on Blogger that have one entry - or even none.  And some of them, inevitably, are also called The Endless Weekend.)

As of September 1, I am retired.  It suddenly occurred to me that I wanted to keep a sort of diary of what people have assure me will be a period of adjustment. 

I have been worked as a librarian for forty-one years.  In answer to a question I received at my party. I am still a librarian.  They didn't take back my MLS.  I'm just not working as one anymore.

People asked me what I would be doing in retirement.  I said "Drinking heavily."  More seriously I intend to write a lot of fiction.  Probably short stories although there is a novel trying to sneak out.

I have set up a chart to keep track of how much time I spend writing and doing other worthwhile things, so I don't sit in front of a TV all day watching people call each other names, or something equally productive.  Let's see how long I keep this chart going.

If you are interested, you can follow my journey here for as long as I track it.


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